Rapat Kerja FPIK UB 2023


Telah dilaksanakan Rapat Kerja FPIK UB 2023 pada tanggal 15 -16 Maret 2023 bertempat di Hotel Samara Resort, Batu. Rapat Kerja ini diakhiri dengan penandatanganan perjanjian kinerja antara Dekan dan Departemen serta Departemen dan Prodi.

Rekapitulasi Umpan Balik dari Sivitas Akademika di Lingkungan Departemen PSPK FPIK UB


Berikut merupakan hasil rekapitulasi umpan balik dari sivitas akademika di lingkungan Departemen Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan dan Kelautan Universitas Brawijaya

Prodi PSP Telah Terakreditasi Unggul


Selamat kepada Program Studi Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan (PSP), telah mempertahankan status akreditasi dengan memperoleh peringkat “AKREDITASI UNGGUL” dari BAN-PT. Semoga kinerja dan performa kerja selanjutnya dapat terus mempertahankan peringkat akreditasi yang telah didapatkan. BAN-PT merupakan satu satunya badan akreditasi yang diberi wewenang oleh KEMENRISTEKDIKTI Republik Indonesia untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan tinggi perguruan tinggi di Indonesia.

(indonesian) Anda tertarik untuk menjadi penyelam, namun merasa bermasalah dengan pendanaan


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Support Agustin Capriati, the UB Ambassador in National Mawapres 2014


Agustin Capriati, a PSPK student in the major of PSP study program as well as the Mawapres UB 2014 is chosen to represent UB to compete and be the best in the National Mawapres 2014.  The theme in this competition is “Rising up local lesson learnt to provide global impact on saving coral reef ecosystem” […]

National Seminar 2013


National Seminar with the theme The Role of Youngster in the Implementation of Blue Economy Concept  in the field of Fisheries and Marine will be held on November 28, 2013 at 07:00-end Take place in WidyaLoka Building 2nd  floor, Universitas Brawijaya IDR 25 for UB Students IDR 30 for General Facilities : Snack, goody bag, […]

What would be happen if this never exist again ??


Ocean is an important part of world’s live creatures. An ocean could become a place and food sources also a home for so many creatures. Besides that, an ocean also has a role as the temperature counterweight in world’s surface. If there’s no ocean, the sun’s heat will absorbed directly by earth and affected the […]

Alltech Young Scientist Award


We would like to introduce our program which called Alltech Young Scientist Award. Alltech Young Scientist Award was established in purpose to promote a research and to explore the talents of students from universities around the world. Students are encouraged to participate along with Alltech in finding natural solutions in the field of animal production, […]