History of the Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Universitas Brawijaya originated from Marine Fisheries Institute which was established on October 28, 1962 by Probolinggo Education Foundation. Since May 25, 1963, through Minister’s Decree No. PTIP 163 In 1963, Marine Fisheries Institute became one of the department of the Veterinary Medicine Faculty and Animal Husbandry (FKHP) Universitas Brawijaya which is located in Malang. While Marine Fisheries Department still remain in Probolinggo.
In the end of 1970, FKHP of Universitas Brawijaya has a new department, which is Veterinary Medicine Department located in Surabaya. Thus FKHP of Universitas Brawijaya has three departments which are Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Veterinary Sea. Then on August 1972, Veterinary Department joined Airlangga University in Surabaya, while Marine Fisheries Department changed into Fisheries Department. In order to facilitate the management and development, thus since 1972 the Fisheries Department also gradually moved to Malang.
Based on the Minister’s Decree of Education and Culture No. 0220/0/1973, since January 1, 1973 was changed into the Animal Husbandry Faculty(FAPET) which is based on the Rector’s Decree No. 51 / SK / 1977 has two departments, namely: Animal Husbandry and Fisheries. Since July 5, 1977, Animal Husbandry Faculty was changed into Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Faculty.
Subsequent developments based on Government Regulation No. 27, 1982 and the President of Indonesia’s Decree No. 59 of 1982 on the organization structure of Universitas Brawijaya, the Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Faculty become into two faculties, namely:
Animal Husbandry Faculty
Fisheries Faculty
Based on Minister of Indonesian Education and Culture’s Decree No. 0174/0/1983 on the Department’s Arrangement on Faculty of University’s area / State Institute and Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Indonesian Education and Culture’s Decree No. 118 / Dikti / 1984 on types and numbers of study programs in every department on Universitas Brawijaya Faculty’s area, thus Fisheries Faculty settled to have one department, which is Aquatic Resource Management Department to supervise three study program are:
Fisheries Resource Management Study Program (MSP)
Fishery Products Processing Study Program (PHP)
Fisheries Socio-Economics Study Program (SEP)
While two others study program are Aquaculture (BP) and the Fisheries Resource Utilization Study Program (PSP) (MPI??) held while waiting the approval. In 1995 the Fisheries Faculty of Universitas Brawijaya established the Diploma Program (D-III) Fisheries socio-economic. Then in 1996 re-established the Diploma (D-III) Nautical, but since 1999 does not accept students. Along with the increasing needs of associate experts in the field of fisheries and marine, then in 2009 the Associate Expert Education Program (D-III) reopened. In the academic year 2009/2010 Associate Expert Education Program (D-III) began to accept new students who are incorporated in Vocational Program of Universitas Brawijaya
Since July 7, 1996 Fisheries Faculty of Universitas Brawijaya has one department and five majors through the Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Indonesian Education and Culture’s Decree No. 251 / DIKTUKEP / 1996, are as follows:
Department: Aquatic Resource Management (MSP) Study Program:
Aquatic Resources Management (MSP)
Fishery Product Technology (THP)
Socio-economic Fisheries (SEP)
Aquaculture (BP)
Fisheries Resource Utilization (PSP)
In 2001, with the Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Indonesian Education and Culture’s Decree 2534 / D / T / 2001 dated August 2, 2001, the Fisheries Faculty got a license to held educational programs Master Degree (S-2) with the name of Aquaculture Program Study.
In further developments, based on the letter from Directorate Master of Universitas Brawijaya No. 692 / SK / 2006 on Guidelines for the Master Program’s Implementation in Universitas Brawijaya and Universitas Brawijaya Rector’s Decree No. 692 / SK / 2006 on Master Program Implementation in Universitas Brawijaya transferred into the Faculty, started from the academic year 2006/2007 Master of Aquaculture Program implementation is handled by the Fisheries Faculty of Universitas Brawijaya.
Along with the increasing needs to produce graduates who are professional in applying the principles of exploration, exploitation and fisheries and marine resources management, since October 2, 2006 established Fisheries and Marine Resource Utilization Department (PRSP). The PRSP Department’s formation is based on the Minister of Indonesian National Education’s Decree No. 226 / D / O / 2006. With the establishment of the Fisheries and Marine Resource Utilization Department (PRSP) and the Marine Science program study as well as by the Universitas Brawijaya Rector’s Decree No. 041 / SK / 2008, the Fisheries Faculty was renamed into Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty (FPIK).
Then based on the Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Indonesian National Education’s Decree No.942 / D / T / 2008 on March 31, 2008 and Universitas Brawijaya Rector’s Decree No.092/ SK / 2008 on April 10, 2008, established the Socio-Economics Fisheries and Marine Fisheries Department of Universitas Brawijaya. With the formation of this new department, the Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty has 3 (three) departments namely:
1. Department: Aquatic Resource Management (MSP)
Study program:
Aquatic Resources Management (MSP)
Fishery Product Technology (THP)
Aquaculture (BP)
2. Subject: Fisheries and Marine Resources Utilization (PRSP)
Study program:
Fisheries Resource Utilization (PSP)
Marine Science
3. Subject: Socio-economic Fisheries and Marine
Study program: Socio-economic Fisheries (Fisheries Agribusiness)
By the Universitas Brawijaya Rector’s Decree on February 27, 2006 number: 30 / SK / 2006 gradually Universitas Brawijaya’s Master Management back to every faculty according to the field.
Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty of Universitas Brawijaya began to open up new students enrollment Doctoral Program of Fisheries and Marine Resources in odd semester of 2008/2009 with the Universitas Brawijaya Rector’s permission letter on April 22, 2008 No. 1357 / J10 / AK / 2008 and strengthened the Directorate General of Higher Education Letter number : 69 / D / T / 2009 on January 2, 2009 about Operating Permission a New Study Program in Universitas Brawijaya .
Doctoral Program of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty of Universitas Brawijaya open interest of Study:
Tropical Aquaculture
Marine Technology
Fishery Product Technology
Aquatic Resource Management
Fisheries and Marine Biotechnology
Coastal and Marine Management
Fisheries and Marine Economics Resource
Technology and Fisheries Management
Dean of the Fisheries Faculty and after becoming the Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty of Universitas Brawijaya are:
Ir. Lidwina Sutini (1983-1986)
Ir. Roedhi HM HM, MS (1986-1989)
Ir. Roedhi HM HM, MS (1989-1992)
Ir. H. Sahri Muhammad, MS (1992-1995)
Ir. H. Sahri Muhammad, MS (1995-1998)
Ir. H. Murachman, MSi (1998-2001)
Ir. H. Murachman, MSi (2001-2005)
Ir. Sukoso, M.Sc, PhD (2005-2009)
Prof. Dr.Ir. Eddy Suprayitno, MS (2009-2013)
Prof.Dr.Ir. Diana Arfiati, MS (2013-2017)
To improve the quality, relevance, efficiency and fulfill the demands of university management new paradigm that consider the quality improvement in a sustainable, Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty of Universitas Brawijaya formed Quality Assurance which is part of the Quality Assurance Center of Universitas Brawijaya.